Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"...if we use them economically we all get the benefit."

I did some babysitting last night as a favour, something that will never happen again. Everything was fine until I went to check on the baby at around 7. Having not been warned by the parents, I wasn't expecting the baby to be a giant leech, and was totally unprepared when it leapt out of it's crib and affixed itself to the side of my head. It was too strong to pull off, so I made my way down stairs and turned on the grill. I was feeling lightheaded from loss of blood by this point and only just managed to thrust the leech's tail into the grill. It let out an inhuman shriek, dropped from my head, and retreated to the nearest dark corner. I remembered the mother's last words before leaving ("if he gets hungry there's something in the fridge"). I checked the fridge and found a large baby bottle filled with blood. At this point the leech came at me again. As it pounced at my face I grabbed the bottle, thrusting the end into it's gaping leech jaw. From that point on everything was fine. When the parents got home they gave me an extra twenty pounds and drove me to the hospital. They also asked me if I'd babysit again tonight. I told them that if I ever saw their leech-baby again I would beat it to death.

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